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Collision Detection and Camera Work

Kill the Evil Devlogs

Holy frijoles.

The last two weeks of Kill the Evil development were challenging. I added a floor map using kte-map-builder. I reworked wall rendering and figured out how to support diagonal walls. I implemented collision detection for the hero and added some camera behaviour to prevent looking through walls. I'm no experienced game dev, but I learned a ton and had great time.

Demo Video

Rendering the map

My first solution was to render the map Minecraft style. Each wall cell in the 2D Array rendered a Mesh with BoxGeometry and a temp wall texture. While this may have worked, I wasn't satisfied with it. Moving around the map felt cramped, and I also noticed a slight dip in the frame rate. Given I only rendered the hero and the walls, the frame rate dip was unacceptable.

Minecraft style walls

I wanted to optimize right away, but I decided it would be best to try collision detection first. I needed to understand how I would handle collision detection before adding complexity.

The initial collision detection looked something like this

// file controlling hero movement .psuedo.ts
const nextPosition : Vector3 = calculateNextPosition();
const xyPositionInMap2dArray = scenePosToXy(nextPosition);
const cellType = map2dArray[xyPositionInMap2dArray];
if (cellType === Wall) {

That prevented the hero from running through walls, but there were issues. The hero would get stuck in the walls and could only free himself when moving the opposite direction.

It became clear that I needed to add some sort of buffer between the hero and walls. It also became clear that I needed a better way of managing the collision itself, so hero didn't get stuck.

First things first, I needed to do something about the frame dip and cramped-ness. Rather, I needed to use fewer and smaller polygons. I was able to reduce the number of polygons with Three.js's plane geometry and calculating wall sizes.

I was able to calculate the walls by iterating over the map 2d array in various directions. When the loop hit a non-wall cell, I rendered a plane geometry based on the length of previous unbroken wall cells.

  • Horizontal
for (let y = 0; y < height; y++) 
    for (let x = 0; x < width; x++)
  • Vertical
for (let x = 0; x < width; x++)
    for (let y = 0; y < height; y++)
  • Diagonal Top Left to Bottom Right
// skip the first cell since its always one cell long
for (let y = 1; y < height; y++)
    let curr = [0, y];
    while (isInGrid(curr))
         curr[0] += 1;
         curr[1] -= 1;
  • Diagonal Bottom Right to Top Left
// skip the first cell since its always one cell long
for (let y = height - 2; y > 0; y--)
    let curr = [width - 1, y];
    while (isInGrid(curr))
         curr[0] -= 1;
         curr[1] += 1;
  • Diagonal Top Right to Bottom Left and vice versa followed the same pattern as the other diagonal iterations

If your thinking how I was, you may be wondering why I used 4 iteration strategies for the diagonals instead of 2. The answer is that there are twice as many diagonals then rows in a rectangle! I thought that was pretty neat.

The result was less claustrophobic exploration experience, and a silky smooth framerate.

Hero Collision Detection

Next up was collision detection for our brave hero. I'm thankful I built the collision detection early on. I thought it would be a throwaway version, but it turned out to be a great base for the final solution.

Now that the walls were smaller than the cell sizes, the hero would collide with invisible blocks! The solution seemed to be as simple as checking if the hero was near the center of the cell or not. So I implemented it.

// file controlling hero movement .psuedo.ts
const nextPosition : Vector3 = calculateNextPosition();
const xyPositionInMap2dArray = scenePosToXy(nextPosition);
const cellType = map2dArray[xyPositionInMap2dArray];
if (cellType === Wall) {
  // New stuff
  const cellCenter = xyToScenePos(xyPositionInMap2dArray)
  const dist = hero.position.distanceTo(cellCenter);
  if (dist < maxDistance) {

This actually worked great! This worked great for a picket fence.

I spent way to much time trying to make this work. I toggled the max distance; I collected the nearby wall centers and tried to draw a line between. I tried a lot of stuff, and learned a lot of ways to make crappy collision detection.

I did not want to have to add a physics library and I wasn't keen on building my own.

After starting and pausing a tutorial on Ammo.js. I did what I always do when I hit a wall. (Hah get it?) I walked into the living room, flopped on the couch and told my wife how hard the problem was to solve. Then I told her why it was so hard to solve. In my telling I realized that I was making it way more difficult than it needed to be.

All I needed to know was the size and orientation of each wall my hero could be colliding with. I already had those things because I calculated them to render the walls in the first place! Now, all I needed was to get the wall based on the cell the hero was standing in.

I added a few lines of code to the wall rendering loops and built up a hashmap of cells to wall definitions. The final data structure looks like this:

const wall: Wall = {
   // x and z of the wall start in scene
   from: [1.2, -33.2],

   // x and z of the wall end in scene
   to: [0, -33.2],
   dist: 1.2

const mapState : MapState = {
    walls: { 'wall-1': wall },
    cellToWall: {
         'cell-0-10': ['wall-1'] // cells can be in multiple walls

For the actual collision detection, I casted a ray and checked if it intersected the hero position plus a given collider buffer.

export function isCollidingWithWall(
    mapState: MapState,
    next: Vector3,
    colliderSizeBuffer: number,
): boolean {
    const cellPos = scenePosToXy(mapState.grid, next);
    const nextCellType = getCellType(mapState.grid, cellPos);
    if (nextCellType !== W) {
        return false;
    const [x, y] = cellPos;
    const wallNames = mapState.cellToWall[cellName(W, x, y)];
    if (!wallNames?.length) {
        return false;
    for (let i = 0; i < wallNames.length; i++) {
        const wall = mapState.walls[wallNames[i]];
        for (let j = 0; j < wall.dist; j += 0.1) {
            const fraction = j / wall.dist;
            const [iX, iY] = interpolate(wall.from,, fraction);
            const isColliding = (
                iX < next.x + colliderSizeBuffer &&
                iX > next.x - colliderSizeBuffer &&
                iY > next.z - colliderSizeBuffer &&
                iY < next.z + colliderSizeBuffer
            if (isColliding) {
                return true;

    return false;

Woot woot! After this, the hero could crash into all the walls as much as he wanted.

Camera Work

Now that my hero couldn't run through walls, I needed to prevent the camera from going through walls. This was one of those problems that involved a lot of staring at the screen. I struggled to understand how I wanted the camera to work, so I struggled to come up with a solution.

I found my solution by playing Ghost of Tsushima. I had Sakai-dono stand next to wall and spun the camera around. The camera zoomed up to Sakai-dono's world position. So I did the same, minus the separate camera controls.

I cast a fat ray from the camera position to the hero position to see if any walls were in the way. If there were, I zoomed the camera into the hero position.

while (isColliding && offset.z < 0) {
    isColliding = isWallInBetween(camera.position, hero.position)

if (rotatedTowardsY0) {
    while (isColliding && offset.x >= -1) {
        isColliding = isWallInBetween(camera.position, hero.position)
} else {
   while (isColliding && offset.x <= 1) {
        isColliding = isWallInBetween(camera.position, hero.position)

The camera isn't perfect, but it will work well enough for this project. If it drives me crazy I may circle back and make it better.

And thats pretty much it for now. If you want to test the collision detection yourself, checkout the branch

If you want to get in touch, my contact info is on the bottom of the page. Thanks for reading!